Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Over the past year I have managed to accumulate a lot of junk. Which is really terrible, because I hate clutter. I have developed this awful I don't care attitude. There are many reasons for my shift in my attitude, one being living with extended family, that does not share the same desire for order as you. And always telling people to please pick up after themself or coming home to a house that is in disarry, eventually you just say if you can't beat them join them. My sister came to visit over Christmas, and knowing my love for order, she said as only as sister can, "Sisi you have really let your home home go." And don't get me wrong my house is not dirty, but just a little disorganized.

So with that in mind I have decided that one of my summer projects is to clean out my house of all unecessary stuff, my first project will be cleaning out my closet. Now this is somewhat of a difficult task, because I love holding onto stuff for sentimental reasons. For instance Sisi put her sweat into making me lovely pants and top in her fashion and fabrics class. Now the top I have worn once, it was a little snug but it fit. However, the pants even at my smallest size, I would never manage to put them on. Then there is the shirt that daddy gave me when I was 16, which still fits because it was baggy, but I do not wear now because it is a little outdated. But, I hold onto it cause it is from daddy. Do I donate that or do I keep it? Oprah says that if you have not worn it in a year then get rid of it. But, then I say my closet would look empty. I don't know what I am going to do or what my cutoff policy will be. But, if anyone has any suggestions please share your wisdom.

So this weekend I will work on organizing my closet, I will post the before and after pictures hopefully there will be a noticeable difference.


  1. Sisi you're not playing with this blogging thing, love the new background and the pictures are great. Well I just sold some of my old clothes and got £45! Maybe look around and find out if they're people who buy 2nd hand clothes in the area, that will make it easier to let more things go. I still have a pair of Ralph Lauren jeans that are beautiful but have never fitted me even in my more slender days. But I'll never let those go. You can throw away my fashion and fabrics projects, I don't mind.

  2. Thank you MBLS, I am trying to get the blogging thing on point. Sometimes it is hard to stay committed, but I think that if I at lease try to blog once a week that will be great.

    But, thank you for the tip sisi. I will definitely keep that in mind this weekend when cleaning out. The thing is some of the stuff was never really that expensive to begin with. I think my main problem is that I like the idea of having a lot of clothes. But, in any event the stuff of yours from fashion and fabrics stays.
